What our clients are saying...
“Thank you again for your BSA training presentation this morning. I think you did a great job!”
“Congrats Bob!! Job well done for the OK Banking community!!”
“Congratulations Bob. What an amazing career.”
“Congratulations Bob! You are an inspiration.”
“Congratulations Bob. Sure appreciate your counsel and friendship.”
“Congratulations, Bob! Your dedication is an inspiration to the banking industry. You are very much appreciated and respected.”
“Congratulations Boss! What a regulatory difference Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, banks have working with your expertise! Congratulations, Bob! Milestone indeed.”
“Congrats Bob McCormack! You’ve been a great partner to a lot of community banks.”
“You have created a wonderful company and I am proud to have been a part of it.”
“We appreciate all the work you did for us….it helped us get a good exam!”
“It was the best compliance exam we have ever had! Thanks so much. It was due in large part because your audits that we were ready. So thank you all!”
“When I shared my desire to have an external loan review, I asked about your company, and the state examiners had nice things to say about you all. Keep up the excellent work.”
“Thank you so much, MAi! You made it stress-free, quick and easy!”
“I wanted to tell you what a great job you two did. We are lucky to have you guys.”
“On behalf of the OBA, thank you and McCormack & Associates for your generous Specialty Golf Hole Prize sponsorship for the 2022 OBA Senior Management Forum. This forum could not take place without your dedication to the Oklahoma banking industry.”
“I really like the report, I think you guys did a great job covering the issues. Tell Bob I appreciate the time and research. We will keep your consulting firm in mind for any further assistance that we might need. The banks will certainly get a good recommendation from us for your services.”
“From a retiring banker with years of experience with MAi, we are a better bank because of MAi.”
“From a retiring bank Director -He stated how much he appreciated Bob’s help during their tough times a few years ago.”
“Our client said he really enjoyed working with Sharon and their strategic plan.”
“Thank you guys for your BRONZE sponsorship and for exhibiting at the Oba convention. The bankers really enjoyed your giveaways and your booth looked great! We hope you all had a great time as much as we did. We appreciate your support in helping make this event successful and Helping Make Bankers Better! Thank you Cindy for organizing! You are the best to work with.”
"Thank you for actively supporting and interacting with us in the banking community. It’s always encouraging to see your name pop up on my notifications!"
"Trish, I just wanted to follow up to say a big “thank you” to you, Latoya, and Toby. You were all a joy to work with, and we appreciate that the process went so smoothly. Have a great weekend!"
Bob, On behalf of the Duncan Chamber I want to personally thank you for your continued membership and support. It's only through businesses like McCormack and Associates we continue to fund important community initiatives to improve the business climate and quality of life in Duncan. The Chamber Board is committed to ensure we remain active in maximizing the valuer of your membership and look forward to serving you for another year. Best Regards, Duncan COC
“Bob and Sharon. Thank you for leading the strategic plan meeting yesterday. As I stated, I left with a stronger sense of unity in opinion regarding the direction of the bank. I came away with the feeling that our shotgun pellets are in a more condensed pattern. We are not anywhere close to laser precision, but we are better off than we were two years ago. I came away with some new ideas and information that will help to give direction to the bank for the next year and beyond. I look forward to our next session in the near future." Thank you, A Fellow Banker
“I always appreciated your guidance and advice over the years, but probably not more than around the time of the year when developing our annual budget. Your advice of drawing the target "after" you shoot the arrow has served me in more applications than I can ever thank you enough for providing such sage insight. Rarely do I miss the bullseye. It's the simple things that you hire the consultants to point out and I am proud to say McCormack and Associates excel at keeping us pointed in the right direction.”
“On January 01, 2000, I woke up to a new year without employment. My position had been terminated by a corporate decision; I was no longer needed. Have you ever found yourself in that situation? If not, let me tell you how humbling it is. I had worked for a state-chartered bank for nineteen years and doubled the asset size of the bank; followed by seven years with a nationally chartered bank taking it out of the tank and tripling its asset size; earning a graduate school of banking degree, attending various auditor schools, and obtaining information security, technology, and computer science degrees. I was stunned and horrified to the point I wanted to get as far away from banking as possible. I was burned out on corporate banking. I went to working various jobs with different companies over the next four months; when an acquaintance from my old banking days called me and asked if we could go to lunch. From that sprouted a true genuine friendship and a great opportunity to work again in the business of banking with one of the “greats”. Still reluctant to accept, I said I was looking for employment elsewhere but would take up this offer to help his company out in this pinch. But this trusted old friend made me feel welcomed and appreciated. He liked my ideas and he began to teach me with his wisdom, schooled me on the industry disciplines; showed me that taking a risk was acceptable and a profitable principle. This old friend, worked long days, drove all night between clients, delivered what was promised, and never took advantage of a client. His discipline was strong, his answers were right, his principals were on a solid foundation; his ideas were creative; his solutions were impeccable. He was never too busy to discuss a client’s situation; he always would seek to know the whole situation before suggesting a solution to a particular client’s problem. No, he didn’t jump to fast conclusions but studied the issue with intensity until a solution surfaced. This old friend became a mentor to me; I was his student, if only I could catch the droplets of knowledge about the business of banking falling along his path, I could be a noble, wise and worthy ambassador to the banking industry too. This old friend helped me thru some really rough and tough personal changes. He was gracious, kept me busy, working close to home as well as going to far away clients, and he was always there if I needed to ask a favor; or needed someone to talk to about life. This old friend made time graciously. We had great times working on projects together; we had great times working together at client sites; we had super great meals and stayed in some out-of-the-way crummy places too. And so I learned as his student and felt appreciated for my small contribution to helping out a trusted friend and his company in a pinch. And then, there comes a time when the wise mentor sends his student back into the world to further his knowledge and abilities so that one day he can return to share with the wise mentor what it is he has learned. Therefore I, that student, have returned to share with his most wise and gracious mentor, my old friend, that I have gained so much more knowledge because of the wise mentor’s leadership, because of the mentor’s principals, his solid foundation and his disciplines from what I learned while a student has opened the path to succeed, to better myself, to perform my responsibilities to the best of my abilities, to use the skills and knowledge to make solutions for problems work; and towards building a better banking organization through the good and bad times and find in the end the satisfaction of a doing a job well done. To my old friend, yes, a very wise mentor, I wish you the very best and that you will be able to continue to mentor to other students who too will return someday to say Thank You for giving it your all; to helping a fallen banker another chance; to make the industry better with the true and tried disciplines of banking and to being such a gentle friend. As they say, any out-of-work banker can become a consultant; but not every consultant can deliver on his promise. Only true consultants have the fortitude to be successful in both good and bad times and their record of achievement surpasses time. Bob McCormack is a true consultant by this measure; he has helped more bankers with their problems in twenty-five years than any who have come before him! But more important to me, he is my old friend and mentor which is destined to be forever!”
“I would like to express my appreciation to you and the staff for being so good to work with. The abundance of knowledge you bring to the table makes us better bankers and we truly appreciate it. I must say that Bob and I have had our times over the dreaded "ALLL Report. He will get it fixed for me and then he must have programmed something in the system that said "DELETE" this formula. Anyway for some strange reason at least one will disappear. I'm sure it isn't the operator, must be the computer. I’m sure Bob was thinking “and I could be fishing”. Again, I would just like to say THANKS and hopefully this will get me an “A” sometime in the very near future.”
“Congratulations on twenty five years of business. You have been a good friend and a great resource for our bank. I can always count on you to drop whatever you are doing and give me good banking advice. I can’t imagine what it would have been like not having your help. I have a picture on my desk of one my most special days. You invited my dad, son, best friend and I over for a day of quail and pheasant hunting. It was a perfect day with the most special people in my life. Of course those days of 10% budgeting and 90% quail hunting at my place were fun as well. I hope you and your crew have many more years of success.”
“Twenty five years seems impossible, doesn’t it. I remember that our little company was on the cutting edge of offering employee benefits…we had one of the first “cafeteria plans” in this part of the country. Every day at lunch, we walked across the drive to your house and raided the refrigerator for sandwiches. Remember our first “sale”? As I remember the transaction, we traded a Compaq PC to Mike and Trudy Waggoner for one of our first bookable assets – a used…greatly used…Audi station wagon. We should have known we were in for an automotive education when Mike told us that he had recently done a front-end alignment…with a carpenter’s level and a tape measure! Remember our trip to Paris, Tennessee to learn the Bank Software system we were going to be selling and supporting? I learned three important items about western Tennessee and its people. Number One, every eating establishment around Paris is “all you can eat”. Number Two, it’s CUEpon…not coupon, when discussing loan payments. And most importantly Number Three…NEVER challenge guys to a game of pool at a bar that has just finished hosting a “live bear wrestling” contest! I have never enjoyed a “job” as much as when you and I were getting MAI up and running. It’s nice to see how you and your associates have transformed your vision into the leader in providing bank consultative services in this part of the country!”
“I just wanted to take a quick moment to drop you a line to thank you and your team for the interest in the sessions You and your consulting practice’s reputation most certainly precede you as one of the best in the industry. It was an honor having you in the class. ”
“The examiners complimented our BSA exam workpapers and audit scope. Said it was very thorough and easy to follow!”
“I had my Exit Review with FDIC today on BSA. They were very complementary of your audit. It made our Exam so much easier having them so close together. Thanks again!”
“Patricia Adams said “Thank you to everyone at McCormack for making this exam as painless as possible !! I look forward to working with your company again.” Dick Beshear said, “Job well done!!””
“I spoke with LaToya earlier and she was MOST helpful in explaining some things that I don’t think I have quite understood even on the previous audit. She seems very nice and easy to talk to and I am sure she will be a great contact for questions in the future.”
“Regarding the Be a banker training: thank you so much for all of your hard work putting the training together. I learned so many different things, I didn't know. Please, tell Bob, he did a great job. I came back to the bank to be a seller of our bank and knowing how the bank works. GREAT TRAINING!!!”
“Congratulations on Twenty-Five Years of continuous service to the banking industry. We truly appreciate your commitment to the development of best practices across our state while developing a larger group of professional bankers to support our industry. Your work and the professional team you have assembled are highly respected by bankers and regulators alike. As I reflect on our association, we recall everything from setting up computers in the evenings during the early years to having the opportunity to carry your printer out to your Chevy Van or Tahoe after a long day of working on various projects or annual budgets. We will never forget that your printer always seemed to be low on paper on your arrival but was filled to capacity at your departure for others to use in Chickasha! Of course, we can not forget the sand bagging of budgets and the following interrogations you conducted with various officers as a result of their conservative projections. Many times the first draft of the annual budget and financial plan fell short of the chairman’s expectations and you were always willing to join in, with a smile, and lead us to higher goals and standards which we all admired. From management studies, ALCO meetings, challenges, debates, training sessions designed for multiple locations, we are grateful for your wisdom and knowledge shared with each and every one of us. Many times we have thought about your King Solomon approach, creative suggestions and countless ideas for solutions which were thought provoking or outside of the box. We all enjoyed your association, friendship and professional support provided to our banks over the years. Bob, you are one in a million and we thank you for all you do and continue to do for our industry. Congratulations on the completion of Twenty-Five Years of fun with McCormack and Associates. We look forward to the next Twenty-Five Years!”
“I think the best memory I have of Bob was hearing him say 6 years ago that his goal was to ‘work himself out of a job’ when it came to his contract with us. Bob, Bob, Bob….After lies like that, it’s no wonder you’ve remained in business for 25 years. Congratulations on reaching this milestone. You’ve been great to work with and performed a valuable service for us. Hope you live long enough to see the 50th Anniversary!”
“Congratulations on 25 great years! Your knowledge and commitment to excellence is unsurpassed! We value your friendship and the services your company has provided to Citizens Bank of Edmond for over 20 years". Citizens may be one of your oldest continuous clients and we certainly have appreciated your assistance. From the Historical Building to the Lending Center to all the changes and opportunities for improvement in between, we say thank you. Let's not forget the hours or phone calls spent on budgets, reviewing the IRRM, APM, bank reports and the list could go on and on. We cannot forget to thank you for informing the directors on "hot topics" or providing a "heads up" on pressing concerns. Your knowledge, wisdom and commitment to the banking industry have been greatly appreciated by banks across our state. We will also never forget the encouraging words you always provided every step of the way. The entire Citizens Bank family would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for all your help and assistance over the years. Bob, we send our congratulations and our very best wishes to you and all your associates at McCormack and Associates on this, your 25th Anniversary.”
“They say “Timing is everything!” That is exactly what happened with Bob and me. It was the middle of 1985, with the Oil Bust of the 80’s in full swing, and the Bank Examiners closing most of the banks in Stephens County. The economy and the examiners made it obvious that I, and the State National Bank of Marlow, needed help! Bob and I had known each other for several years while he was the cashier for Security National Bank of Duncan, and he had just developed his new consulting firm, and he needed a Victim!! I called Bob and we began our journey through the Oil Bust – together. His expertise and counsel was a major factor in The State National Bank being able to come through those tough and scary years as one of Oklahoma’s safest and soundest banks. As years went by, we found it impossible to maximize our bank without the help of McCormack & Associates. Bob brought a dimension & discipline that some of us Old Country Bankers just did not have. Thank goodness he did. The “Timing” of our need and his “Help” made for a beautiful partnership!! Should I ever decide to own and operate another bank, I would never finalize the deal unless Bob McCormack was In the Boat with Me!! Congratulations to Bob and all of his staff (now and through the years). It is hard to believe it has been 25 Years. But, as they say, Time flies when you are working hard, having fun, and making a Real Impact.”